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A scheduled demo lesson marks the final and the most challenging round of your interview. This part of the process will determine whether you will get the job or not. You will learn the most effective tricks and tips to ace your demo class through this blog.

A scheduled demo lesson marks the final and the most challenging round of your interview. This part of the process will determine whether you will get the job or not. You will learn the most effective tricks and tips to ace your demo class through this blog.

So what exactly is a Demo Class?

A demonstration class or in short demo class is a lesson that you execute among students. Think of it as an audition for a teacher's position. But it's easier said than done. If you encounter this class for the first time, then naturally, you don't know how the students will behave and what their needs are. You have to conduct known but untested teaching tactics that may or may not be effective.

It's daunting but don't you worry. We got you covered! Continue reading this blog to find out how to prepare for your demo class interview process.

Here are some of the pointers to keep in mind:

1. Give a meaningful lesson presentation

A teacher has to cover an entire syllabus within such a short time. An entire day will never be enough to teach everything about a topic, and hence, the teacher needs to plan out the lesson in the most thoughtful, organised and effective way. The interviewers often use this to evaluate the individual’s knowledge, organisation, and preparation skills.

Here are some ways to present your lesson more effectively:

· Begin the demo class by explaining the goals behind the lesson to the students.

· Since you have a choice, teach the topic you are the most familiar with. This way you will be able to solve their doubt, should they have any.

· Treat your lesson like an essay – have a well-organised introduction, a body and a conclusion.

· Use various engagement tactics to keep up the students’ attention.

· In the end, let the students interact and ask questions, and you, as a teacher, should enthusiastically and properly solve their doubts.

2. Student-teacher interaction

A teacher understands that every student has different requirements. It is very important to manoeuvre your class according to your students' understanding and perception of the topic. Build your class in such a way that students feel comfortable in asking questions and paying attention. And you, in turn, should respond well to earn some extra points from the student because their opinion will help your hiring process.

Here are some tips to effectively interact with the students in a demo class:

· Start your demo class by assessing the students.

· A friendly smile goes a long way.

· Make sure you ask the students whether they understood what has been taught so far.

· Please encourage them to ask doubts.

3. Learning environment

An effective learning environment should make the students feel safe and enhance their productivity. A teacher is responsible for making the learning ambience safe.

Here are some tips for managing a class or setting the tone for a class:

· Set the required ground rules

· Address students by their name. This shows that you are paying them attention.

· Keep the overall tone of the class very positive

· Provide positive feedback.

4. Student behaviour assessment

It's very important to observe student behaviour during the demo class, utilize strategies, and implement changes for an effective class.

Here are some tips for assessing student behaviour for a demo class:

· Keep the class interactive to maintain the students’ attention

· Adapt and change your teaching strategy if the student is unable to understand the concept

· Explain the concept as many times as required

· Provide additional information on the topic if required

· Use audio/visuals or other techniques to explain the lesson better

In short, these are the five major points to keep in mind to perform well in a demo class setting:

1. Preparation will allow you to overcome any obstacles and conduct your class smoothly. Here are some ways you can stay one step ahead.

· Keep all your required documents in a single and easily accessible place

· Make all the required material for your class (including visuals, models, charts etc.) before you begin

· Have a well-thought-out lesson plan

2. Make sure that the lesson's objectives fulfil the requirement of the class and explain the purpose of the lesson to the class before diving into the topic in detail.

3. The students will give you positive feedback if your teaching is interesting and engaging.

4. Break down the topic into small subtopics for better understanding by the students.

5. Ensure that you make the class very interactive and intriguing.


The above tips will help you prepare and conduct your demo class effectively. Above all, don't forget to enjoy teaching.


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