For uploading notes on teachers app for students all you have to do is first login to teacher’s app and click on content Here you will see a lot of options and after sliding you will see one option named upload notes click on that after clicking you will see four options
1.Choose a subject
2.First choose a subject
3.Choose a topic
4.Choose a sub topic
Now click on first option and choose any subject for example physics after choosing subject choose a chapter lets say units and measurement then choose a topic let take physical world as an example and then finally choose sub topic like light reflection
After doing all the four step type out the tittle of your notes after writing title select the batch after selecting the batch click on upload notes click on allow and then choose the notes you want to upload
Now the student belonging to the particular batch can view the notes from all notes feature in their student app and he/she can also download the notes by clicking on the right top corner arrow.