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How to create test on Teacher App?

Click on content then

—Click on creat test

—now choose the subject ,for an example we will choose class 10th physics test choose whichever subject you want to give test in and choose chapter and all the questions under that particular chapter and the particular subject will be visible now you have to select whichever question that you want for this particular video we are just going to select five questions but you can select as many questions as you want under that particular subject and the chapter so select those questions and then click on creat test .To understand how this questions came under this particular subject please refer to the video of uploading the questions and from their we have created this particular test

—now have to enter the title for the test so just enter and the title which suits the test I’m just going to enter here motion

—then enter the test timing so here you have to enter the timing in minutes so I’m going to enter here just 10 which is ten minutes so if you want to specify one hour you have to enter 60 that is 60 minutes

—now enter the passing marks so since this is five but plus one for each I’m just going to specify just 3 as passing

—now you have to enter the plus marks which means that each question carries one mark so for each right answer the student will receive plus one .You can also enter the negative or the minus mark it is not mandatory but you can enter

—now select your batch and then click on ok and your teat is created

—now the student will be able to view the test from the student app by clicking on all test and then since it is a normal test or a MCQ test just click on MCQ test and the student will be able to view the test since we created motion once the student clicks on start the timer will start and the student will have to finish the test

Teacher app also allows you to edit your test so for that

—click on content

—then click on edit test now you have to choose the subject under which you created the test so here we created for class 10th physics test so Click on that and then you can edit whichever test so here we are going to edit the normal test so

—click on edit normal test see your motion which is your chapter name will be visible or your test title rather so just click on that Particular test and

—now can edit it by clicking on that pencil sign at the right side so click on that it will give you various options

—now you can either change the batch so here we are selected demo as the batch now you can unselected and you can put the test in some other batch

—you can also unpublished the particular test now since it is given as green that means it is published once you click on it and becomes white or grey that means it is unpublished the test will not be visible to your students now you can repeat the test in that particular batch or in different batch by just clicking on reputation and you can do all of these click on update test

—now in addition to this you can also delete the particular test so for that you just have to hold that particular test in keep and it show you the options for delete

—now can just click on delete and your test will be deleted

—you can also check the performance of your students through teacher app so just click on content again slide and then you will get the option for test performance so click on that

—now you have to select the batch for whichever student’s you want to check the performance of

—now we are selecting a batch and now which selecting the particular test so you can see here they shown the particular student’s fail so this way you will be able to track the performance of every student and the batches


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