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Through the teacher app you can share the live youtube video

For that—

—login to your teacher app

—click on content

—Then slide and click on START LIVE VIDEO

—Now click on youtube live video

—Select batches live so that the link you will share will reach to that specific batch

—Now you have to-paste your live video URL here

So just place the youtube video Url

—type out the video title

Here just for an example we will type out MATHS you can type out whichever title that you want

—Now select the batch with whom you want to share this live video

For an example we are selecting demo and

—then click on start live video and your video will be shares to that particular batch successfully.

—Now as a student from the student app you will be able to view this live video through youtube live classes.

—Now all the details will be shared here the time video was shared the date as well as the title

—Now click on that particular video and it will take you directly to that live video.


Teacher Community of Bodhi AI

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